So, I'm not really a bandwagon person, (WHAT?? I totally AM!)-and I am shameless to admit, I have followed this blogger-turned-New York Times-best selling writer for several years now. This may be the best book I've ever read. It's raw, it's real, it's powerful and passionate. Beg, borrow or steal it from a friend as soon as you can.
That's my book review for this Michigan Monday. :)
I'm still doing a fair amount of furniture painting for my booth at Not So Shabby but haven't been painting anymore for clients. My busy schedule forced me to cut out one of the irons in the fire and that was the one. It didn't take too many 'notes to self' to semi-retire from that aspect of my business. My hamstrings, back and neck were reminding me daily that I wasn't as young as I once was and my therapeutic massage bills were eating away at my profits! Ha! Here is a desk that Ken and I found at an estate sale up in Ludington this summer while on a bike ride. We came back in the van and loaded her up along with several other HUGE pieces that are still waiting for their make-overs in our garage, which I'm hoping to tackle yet today.
I just brought that one to the booth last week and think it's still available but I'm heading there today to see what I need to restock. The sign below was a custom order, and I had enough wood to make two. I have done this saying in different style fonts and is still a heart warming phrase to hang just about anywhere. although most young moms have ordered it for their baby's nursery.
The "Make it Count" sign was a custom order for a dear friend battling stage four colon cancer. She is is such a role model to me in so many ways and her prayer for this journey of beauty and pain has been to plead with God to make this trial count. He's already used her countless ways in my life to challenge me to love deeply and give people the benefit of the doubt, which hasn't always been easy for me to do.
I had an incredible time last week up north with these wonderful women. We had scheduled this trip months ago to be our "mourning our college kids departures" but it ended up quite the celebration as opposed to the pity party we were marketing it to be. Lots of shopping, eating, wine tasting and laughing!
Traverse City, Michigan and the weather couldn't have been any more perfect. Indian Summer at it's best!
Breck celebrated her Junior year Homecoming with this group of friends that she has been close with since day one in middle school. It's been so fun getting to know the parents of these kids through the years, who have become great friends and a consistent source of lots of bon fires, dinners and get-togethers. (Brecken is the first girl on left in first row).
Sneak peek at a farmhouse remodel project that I've been assisting with for over a year. Emily and I have become good friends during this process and I'll be sad to see this one wrap up. I hope to snap some pics before they move in sometime in the next few weeks. Chip and Joanna move over-Emily and Christy are the new show in town. :)
I haven't been posting as faithfully as Brecken's varsity volleyball has occupied lots of our free time and we aren't complaining about it one bit. I must confess, it's been kinda nice having something force us out of the garage on our workshop Saturdays to attend all day vb tournaments. Lots of quality time with Ken and other vb parents. I wouldn't trade it for the world, knowing how quickly these next two school years with her will fly by!
I am adjusting shockingly well to Kennedy being in California. I miss her terribly but am so happy with her adventurous spirit and am living vicariously through her as she hits the beach each week (and hopefully the books from time to time) too. She's doing great and I appreciate all the prayers you guys have lifted up for me during this exciting and scary transition.
Have a great week!
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