Are you feelin' my pain with this rain?!
Trying to stay positive and focus on the benefits of all the wet. One upside is that the 'grass doesn't look greener on the other side of the fence' for once. Mine's looking pretty green right about now. :)
I AM anxious, however to get outside and work on said green lawn but that ain't happenin' today.
Soooo, in the meantime, I'm keeping myself busy with home consultations, custom sign making, accessory buying for several of my wonderful clients and waiting for another bright, sunny day!
Last week, I met with a sister of a recent client of mine. (Did I mention how much I love getting to know you, your sisters, aunts, cousins, moms and friends?
This gig is all word of mouth, don'tcha know)?
I had never been to her house before and she pulled me in for some advice regarding a main floor bathroom remodel.
As we were walking from room to room, she began pointing out several pieces of furniture that I had previously painted for her. It was soooo fun to see the pieces in place, rather than in my dusty, dirty garage/workshop.
I couldn't resist snapping some pictures of the items so neatly displayed in her warm and welcoming home.
A vintage dresser that she repurposed into a changing table for her nursery was painted a cheery reddish-orange.
Turn around to the other side of the room and I spotted one of growth chart rulers that I sell in my booth at Not So Shabby.
I guess I painted this one too (below) she said. How sad is it that I barely remember that?
I'm getting so old. It's all becoming a blur. :)
I did recognize this accessory.I sold this in my booth last year. A rustic piece of wood with assorted knobs to hold jewelry. So glad these little pieces made with love find their way to good homes like this one!
This one below I just couldn't resist posting. This was another client of mine who moved into an old farmhouse last year and we went room to room updating each space with wall color and furniture suggestions. This main floor bath was in desperate need of a face lift. I came back two weeks ago to see the progress she made and to help with accessorizing and offering suggestions for a small kitchen tweak.
I couldn't believe the transformation of the main floor bath. I'm too impatient to wait for Jessica's 'before' pictures of this space- I just loved it so much, I had to post. This shower curtain just makes me happy on this gloomy day.
I'll leave you with another thought and a giggle to cheer you on this gloomy night.
Off to get a sneak peek at my friend's garage sale. Til next time...
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