That's our family's prayer this week for our cajun Pata, (A.K.A my amazing Dad) who just found out two weeks ago that he it was imperative that he have open heart surgery.
If it seems I've dropped off the face of this blog, well it kind of feels like I have.
I have such good intentions of posting, and somehow, LIFE manages to get in the way.
He is slated for surgery in GR tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 7:30 and if God brings him to mind, would you be willing to lift him up in prayer?
Every time I open up my Bible during my quiet times these past few months, Brecken's kitty, Grace jumps up, has to touch the pages and immediately falls asleep. I am using this visual this week to remind myself that we can rest in God's promises and not be overwhelmed with worry or fear.
Nothing earth shattering, but I am breathing a little easier wrapping up some long term client projects from the fall.
Furniture has been purchased:
Master Bath tile has been selected and installed:
Signs have been custom painted and hung:
Rooms have been remodeled and repurposed:
Some new selections have been made:
Pieces have been decided on and delivered:
Research has been done and documented:
Clients were talked into new kitchen flooring:
Clients were talked out of replacing their flooring:
Potential Pieces were found & Pictures were snapped and sent:
On-site visits were made-mid project.
So grateful for the sunshine today and things to keep me busy.
Even more grateful that in spite of the stress of surgery, I get to spend some desperately needed time with my sisters, parents and nieces and nephews.
I am anxious to show you some more master bath remodels that were recently wrapped up, but that's for another day.
Happy Monday and thanks in advance for your prayers.
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