Champs, I have to do it. I have to rush spring along by posting pics of some outdoor vignettes and accessories. Another snow day home with two teenage girls and too much technology makes me overly anxious for some time in the great out- of -doors!!
Here are some of my 'go-to' sites for items if you're experiencing that spring/summer decorating itch like me.
Grandin Road for rugs, outdoor furniture, planters and pillows.
West Elm for these great sturdy outdoor pieces:
Restoration Hardware for towels, totes and inspiration!
Ummm...How cool are these collections?
Hope that gave you a brief reprieve from the all-consuming winter we've had. Let me know if you need help picking out some indoor/outdoor accessories or color selection for those four walls you've been staring at all winter! I'm here if you need me and i'll dig out of my driveway to meet you where you're at. In life and in decorating. :)
'til I'm back here to complain again....
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