Happy New Year's Eve-Eve! I hope you Champs had an amazing Christmas with your families. Ours was...interesting. One of my girls was nursing a horrendous fever and the other, a horrendous heartbreak.
We managed to survive both last week and are looking forward to ringing in 2015 full of hope and prayerful anticipation of all that God wants teach us. May he find us to be willing and obedient students this new year.
Here is our version of sleeping in heavenly peace.
Christmas day 2014.
Cole, Kennedy Cohl and Brecken
I was able to wrap up all custom Christmas orders just in the nick of time (minus a pallet tree request that we never filled-ugh...so sorry Betsy)!
This custom sign I couldn't post last time as the recipient (Amy) does read my blog from time to time and I didn't want to spoil her husband's surprise gift to her.
Here's my sisters and parents and me enjoying our annual pre-Christmas get-a-way weekend in Grand Rapids. Shout out to Gma Marge for the festive tee's and regifting opportunities every year! :)
On a serious note, I love this tradition and am so thankful to still be able to celebrate with my healthy parents for another year. I'm so sad to learn of several of your losses this year and pray 2015 will bring you peace.
I try not to define the success of our Christmas by what was opened under the tree. Each year, I try to scale back with Ken and the girls, but the older they get, the pricier their gifts become. Can you relate??
I don't have buyer's remorse this year about much, (other than an over-priced 8x10 white shag rug for Breck), but I did lay awake most of last night, bothered again by how much we've been spending lately. Ken calls me scrooge, and rightly so.
I'm just too cheap for this holiday!!
One thing I could control was the amount of Christmas decor I put up. I opted for minimal wintery decorations as opposed to red/green bling that would be pulled down Christmas night.
Here's the old hutch that stored extra plates and wine glasses. Now, repurposed into an entertainment center. Ken took off the doors, took out a shelf, and added a shelf to make it work. It used to be stained pine. I painted it a light grey called "Ancient Relic".
I am still enjoying my freshly (?) painted white trim in this room. Not gonna lie...the animal hair that settles in the cracks on this stairwell, drives me crazy, but it's worth it for how much brighter and newer it made this room feel.
New clock I treated myself to in the back living room-Hobby Lobby half off.
Teeny tiny for our little lower level, but great for entertaining teens.
Here's my real gift. A shark floor mop for washing all the carpe-tless and cat hair filled rooms in my house. Yeah for me. No, really, I'm seriously thrilled with this gift. :)
Hope your holidays were/are Merry and Bright.
And may I be one of the first to wish you all a wonderful 2015.
If you're looking for something to do on New Year's Day, head on over to Not So Shabby for 10% off in most booths, including mine and some yummy munchies! Open that day from 10-3.
See you next year!
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