It's hard to resist the Goodwill -- no matter where you are! The black stilletto boots are WAY cool. And the "FAMILY" letters are great. And I LOOOVVVEEEE those baseball cover flowers!! Looks like you've been having lots of fun travels. Midge
Thanks for checking out the Room for Change blogspot. I'll be posting pictures and updates of current projects I'm working on, so be sure to stop back often. Thanks for checking in!
Things I love: cappucino,
my dog (Libby),
family, my small town,
hot baths, naps,
close neighbors,
my "round-the-town" bike.
Things I hate: waiting in line,
rude drivers, lukewarm soup,
bright yellow paint
It's hard to resist the Goodwill -- no matter where you are! The black stilletto boots are WAY cool. And the "FAMILY" letters are great. And I LOOOVVVEEEE those baseball cover flowers!!
Looks like you've been having lots of fun travels.
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