Friday, December 28, 2012

Still very merry.

Look what I got for Christmas Chumps!

When/if I'm ready to replace the kitchen floor???!! I've been patiently (?) waiting for almost seven years.  It's not so terribly awful, but I was thinking it would be one of the first things to go when we moved in.  However, we've found it to be quite indestructable so we couldn't justify replacing it. (I am sounding like a spoiled brat, I am so sorry!)

Then....last year, we opened up the kitchen hallway a little and added a pantry and Ken had to piece the flooring back together like a puzzle after the project.  Picture a puzzle. Now picture the jagged puzzle edges not quite meeting together. Now picture my kitchen floor. Now picture my face opening up this little gift certificate on Christmas morning which was accompanied by a couple of pieces of shoe molding trim.

I'm kinda ashamed to admit that I burst into tears. But I did. Ken laughed. I cried harder. He didn't realize how much I'd appreciate it. But I do. A lot.
I'll also have you know that I got a new ironing board, skillet pan, toilet seat cover, water filter for fridge and a fold out card/banquet table for painting.  Jealous?? :) 

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family too and that you had some nice surprises under your tree! 

I wanted to let you know that Not So Shabby is participating in an "Antique Trail Sale" on New Year's Day. I think the hours are from 11-7 that day, but you can check out NSS on their facebook page as well.
My entire booth will be marked down 10% that day! Come in and check out the leftover Christmas treasures and newly hand painted cottage style signs and furniture.
Here's a sneak peek:

And a shout out to my beautiful sister Holly who turns 40 on December 31 who is still searching for her Happily Ever After but who lives out holiness better than anyone I have ever known. I love you Howard. You inspire me everyday.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Photos from my Phone

It's Christmas Eve Eve, and I miss you Chumps! So sorry it's been so long since I've posted.  I've been caught up in the merryment of pre-Christmas shopping, working, eating, wrapping, cleaning, hosting and all  kinds of other seasonal hustle and bustle.

Don't have a ton of time to post tonight because the 'Fam Four' (recently dubbed nickname of our family by Kennedy) is about to hunker down to watch the "Grinch Who Stole Christmas".
Hope you are able to spend some time making memories with your family and friends this time of year as well.

Thought it was about time to download the iphone again and let you know that I think about you Chumps wherever I go.  Here's what I downloaded from the latest 'camera roll':

Chair styles for Jamie's Dining Room/Breakfast nook:
(Styles not fabrics)

Lamp for Peg:

Artwork, accessories and furniture for Jackie:

 Goodwill chair ( $10) for my sis, Lo's cottage:

Tile Selections for Kim's backsplash project:

Vintage Train pictures for Rebecca's little boy's train themed bedroom:

Corbel idea for underneath Rebecca's mantel:
Clock at Talsma for Anychump:

Christmas Present ideas for me: (I wish) :)
ID 9 (Heggs)  in Holland.

There's many other random pics and downloads that I find on my phone from time to time snapped by these two stinkers without my knowledge:
Like this:

And this:
And this:

A Very Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

XOXO Chumps! 


Monday, December 10, 2012

Merry Mischief

It's been a cross between Santa's workshop and It's a Wonderful Life around here. I am actually for the first time in a long time, enjoying the Christmas countdown.  (My friend Amy perceptively questioned if it was because this was the first year I didn't have my annual tag sale)?  Hmmmmm.
Me thinks she's onto something....

Anywho...I have been having fun banging out some new product for the store and painting furniture for you wonderful Chumps.  I've had plenty of sign orders to keep me busy and am so appreciative of the new clients I've acquired even during the busy holiday season!  Thank you all!
Here's a little of the mischief merry-making around here:
Santa's little Elf busy at it in the garage/workshop that day too!
Signs, Signs, Everywhere there's Signs.
Growth Chart Rulers for my booth at Not So Shabby.
Lots of painting projects. Here's only one.


Wish you could've seen the before of the chair-ratty old antique with brown leather seat. I recovered it with the backside of a vintage quilt and personalized it for my client's daughter. 

All work and no play makes Christy "Crusty" so I made sure I surrounded myself with good friends and good fun as well last week.  So blessed to be part of a Thursday morning Bible study these past few years with some great girls that have become like family to me.  We celebrated the season with our annual Christmas brunch which my friend Jackie hosted. I had to snap a few shots of the vignettes that her "Christmas Elves" had recently finished. 
Love these adorable pointsettia-toting reindeer!

These oversized bling-a-licious ornaments would put even Scrooge in a merry mood.

Check out the owl in the branches near the top. Totes Adorbs! :)
And a shout out to creative Chump, Amy H. who has a knack for pulling together floral arrangements and making everything beautiful.  I drove by her house on the way to another client's last week and noticed the PB knock off "NOEL" sign that Ken and I sold at last year's tag sale.

Made my day to see it proudly displayed on her front door. (Unless of course, that IS the actual metal one from Pottery Barn) in which case, I'm sorry to have made assumptions but you still get brownie points for incorporating it in your outdoor display!
Amy, if you're reading this, you've won a LOVE sign that you can somehow make cute for Valentine's day. FB message me to pick it up sometime.
Hope you Chumps are enjoying some merryment as well this season.  More soon...
