Monday, June 15, 2015


Once again, it's been too long since I've met you here.  I love blogging, (when I have the time). I love painting (when I have the time). I love making signs (when I have the time) and I always love meeting with you all, regardless if I have the time. 

However, the clock and calendar continue to move, and I have been trying to be intentionally present to celebrate every day ordinary events and important milestones and sometimes that's hard to balance personal and professional endeavors. 

I had a client tell me once that if I had a business mind, like my creative side, I'd be a millionaire! Ha!
Not much of a business mind here, but a mind/heart who enjoys living with fewer regrets in her 40's than her 20's and part of that means prioritizing moments with my family while they're still here. 

Here are a few gems below:
Brecken and Friends at our town's Memorial Day parade:
 LeBlanc cousins at a Chinese restaurant celebrating Pata and Mata's good health.
 My nephew, Chase's graduation from high school!

Kennedy's 17th birthday-day trip with Ken, her boyfriend Jordan and I to Chicago for the day. Making a wish that they will be able to stay together even after he moves (this week to California). :(

 Braces off for Brecken!

And signs, signs everywhere there's signs:

 I made these two below and rented them out for a rustic/barn-themed wedding. They're available to rent if you have a use.


 This desk already sold, but I've got my eyes peeled for more.

 Custom gift for a high school graduate:

In the booth today.

Come check out Not So Shabby soon. Lots of great signs and I marked down some furniture that's been sitting there for a bit. 
Ready to clear out inventory and redesign the booth a bit for upcoming fall inventory. 

Hope you're enjoying the big and little moments in life too. 
Love you Champs. 


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